Waffle Chart with Plotly
Creating the squared alternative to pie charts with Plotly in Python
Creating the squared alternative to pie charts with Plotly in Python
In QGIS, filters normally ignore No Data cells automatically. However, this is not always easy, especially if a filter examines neighboring cells and these contain No Data. What happens depends on the implementation, but is problematic in both cases. In raster layers, “No Data” is coded with a specific number, e.g. -9999. If, for example, … Continue reading “QGIS: No Data in raster layers”
New QGIS plugin for raster layers with convolution, morphological filters, principal component analysis, statistics, etc.
Add the region, country etc. to your map features using Geopandas.
How to combine a bunch of shapefiles (or QGIS vector layers) into a single one without dublicates using python with geopandas
Anyone who regularly opens a GPS track in QGIS or works on a local map often wants to have the map displayed in the UTM system. To do this, you first had to find out the correct UTM zone and search for it in the corresponding dialogue box. The first plugin I wrote for QGIS … Continue reading “Assign the correct UTM zone to a project in QGIS with one click”
How to import all runkeeper GPS tracks (GPX files) into a single GeoDataFrame, and analyse and map them using python
How to explore a single GPS track (GPX file) with python
How to assign elevation to a GPX file? With Python this is easy thanks to elevation, geopandas, rasterio and SRTM data.
How to assign categorical data to individual layers (FeatureGroup) on a map created with Folium.
A correct coastline in the map thanks to grdlandmask so that Holland is not under water.
How to plot a simple map with a GPS track in Python and PyGMT using the Tour du Mont Blanc as an example.
Get the placemarks of all folders of a KML file into a GeoDataFrame using minidom (Python)
It is easy to open a complete folder of GPS Tracks (GPX files) in Geopandas, e.g. for plotting maps or to export them as shapefile.